On the Road to Nationals!

Hey Cardinal Fans!

So it's been a while since our last post, oops! Hopefully you've seen us around this semester either at football games, FroYo World's opening, on Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube.

Anyway, we have some exciting news to share with the Wesleyan community- the Wesleyan Cardinal Cheerleader's are officially working towards NCA's National College Cheerleading Championship in Daytona Beach, Florida this April!

We're working hard to put together a routine to submit for video qualification and promise to regularly update the site to let you all know how we're doing.

For now, be sure to stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube accounts and we can't wait to see you all this Friday, November 16th at 5:45pm for the first Wesleyan Men's Basketball game of the season!

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